Puzzles As Therapy: How Puzzles Can Treat Alzheimer’s, Stroke & Parkinson’s
Jigsaw, crossword, and trivia puzzles can all be therapy. Learn how these activities can treat Alzheimer’s, stroke, and Parkinson’s.
Healing After A Hip Fracture: How Inpatient Rehabilitation Can Help
Hip fractures can be painful and take weeks to heal. Inpatient rehabilitation can help recovery through physical therapy.
Benefits Of Skilled Nursing Facilities: Options For When Your Loved One Needs Long-Term Care
A skilled nursing facility is equipped to provide long-term care for patients. A benefit is knowing a loved one is comfortable and safe.
Depression And Older Adults: 3 Symptoms Of Depression In The Elderly
Older adults are at a higher risk for depression. But the condition doesn’t always look like sadness. Know these 3 symptoms of depression.