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Music Therapy Is Not Just Music

Music therapy is more than listening to music, although that is a component. Writing and making music are additional parts of music therapy (MT). A therapist specializing in MT also has training in communication, pain management, and cognitive disorders. Depending on the goals, the therapist may use a variety of music styles and activities.

Music gets you moving

Older adults often tend to become less active. That decrease in movement can result in weakened muscles, impaired balance, and lowered endurance. Music therapy motivates people to move. This therapy protocol is even used to assist stroke patients to walk again through rhythmic motion activities.

Remain calm and carry on with music

Elderly adults often feel anxious about whether worrying about health, finances, or loss of independence. Music with a slower tempo and volume has been shown to reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Some studies have even shown that listening to music can help reduce stress hormones and release endorphins. These happy hormones can elevate moods, reduce depression and anxiety and contribute to happier thoughts in general.

Music can bring a smile

Studies have shown music therapy to be a positive intervention for depression and other psychological diagnoses. Music can lift moods, increase self-esteem, and even improve the overall quality of life. MT for elderly patients with dementia has contributed to positive progression in behavioral and emotional function. Music brings about a pleasurable response in people and elderly adults are no exception. That pleasurable response can improve attention, memory, and intellectual performance.

Staying connected

Many elderly adults become socially isolated, but music therapy can help bridge that gap. Music is sometimes recognized as another language. People with the same taste in music can relate to one another and that shared interest spurs interaction. Music has also been shown to improve communication skills. While individual MT can assist in this area, group music therapy is greatly beneficial in building social skills.

And the music plays on

Music has been said to soothe the savage beast. That may be the case because MT certainly has many positive effects. Music can relieve boredom, motivate movement, bring back good memories, and promote social interaction. Elderly adults can benefit from those and the many other effects of MT and should be considered for MT intervention.

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What Does COPD Do To The Body?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects the lung’s airways, making breathing difficult. COPD leads to two other conditions: chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis restricts the airways and causes excess mucus buildup. Emphysema is a disease that destroys the lung’s air sacs. People with COPD often have to deal with complications from either one of these diseases.

The importance of exercise

Activity is vital for people with COPD because a lack of physical activity can affect a person’s health and overall quality of life. COPD symptoms can even become worse. To start, COPD patients should enroll in pulmonary rehabilitation. This is a program with a team of doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, dietitians, physical therapists, and exercise specialists. These professionals help people with COPD learn special breathing techniques and exercises, and develop treatment plans to make life with COPD easier. Pulmonary rehabilitation begins with an assessment from a therapist to determine different things about the patient, like blood oxygen levels. Programs are conducted at hospitals, outpatient clinics, or the patient’s home.

Stretching for people with COPD

People with COPD will benefit from lots of stretching. Stretching helps with breath control and body flexibility. Patients should start stretching for at least 10-15 minutes every day. Experts also believe that stretching before and after exercise is good for the body. Stretching is something that can be done anywhere at any time of day. Try some stretching exercises to prepare for more intense activities.

Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises are great for people with COPD because these activities increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. Cardiovascular exercise also strengthens the heart muscle. Walking is an excellent form of aerobic exercise. Patients can do this for 15-20 minutes a day to get the blood flowing. Another great exercise is cycling. Patients can use a stationary bike or a regular bike. Swimming can also be beneficial. If an outdoor pool isn’t an option, patients can go to a local sports club and use those pool facilities. A good fitness regimen for those with COPD will incorporate aerobic exercises a few times a week.

Try some resistance training

Essentially, resistance training is weight lifting. However, people do not need to start with a heavy load. Lightweight dumbbells or exercise bands work just as well. Resistance training can be done multiple times throughout the week.

Taking the next step

Anyone interested in pulmonary rehabilitation, exercises, or more information about COPD should consult a doctor, physical therapist, or a respiratory therapist. These healthcare professionals are a wealth of knowledge and resources for leading a healthy life with COPD.